Unlock Scenarios:
While playing press [Shift] + [Enter] to access the console, then
enter the following:
Code Result
unlock_all england - Unlock English Scenarios
unlock_all germany - Unlock German Scenarios
unlock_all france - Unlock French Scenarios
September 27, 2008
Lords of the Realm 3
Posted by cheat-games at 7:04 PM 2 comments
Labels: L
September 26, 2008
Allied General
Aiming 101:
In Allied General, as in any wargame, you have to study the terrain, the victory requirements, and the units at your disposal before starting. When you start a new battle in Allied General, take time to look at the strategic map. There are several important things to make note of: First, white hexes are your high-value hexes, and must be adequately defended in order to win.
More importantly, green hexes are the objectives. Not every city is an objective, so you have to see where the green hexes are and figure out the best way to get to them. Roads are essential to moving troops fast, and seizing control of important crossroads will gain you vital mobility. Some cities must be seized because they lay astride important crossroads, because their proximity threatens your lines, or because they are near important objectives and will be useful in producing and repairing units. Airfields are also important targets to capture where possible, because controlling the enemy's airports will limit their ability to use air power against you and give you increased air-strike abilities.
Finally, you have to study the units you're given at the start of a game, the units you can buy, based on the historical period, and the possible upgrades. There are several important numbers associated with units, the most useful being experience, strength, and hard and soft attack. Defense ratings, initiative and-for units pushing deep into enemy territory-spotting ability are also important factors to consider.
The composition of your forces is crucial, especially in campaign games. When you start a new battle, upgrade units wherever possible to the best currently available, and always use elite replacements. You'll want to build elite, over-strength units through replacement and successful battles. A tight selection of strong armor and advanced infantry (such as bridging or paratrooper infantry) should be the core of your group. A few 15-strength units can cut a swath through most opposition.
OK, that's enough of the grade-school primer; it's time to get down in the mud. Let's take a look at the Russo-Finnish battle on the Karelian Isthmus, which can be tough to win as the Russians. The victory requirements are to take two southern cities (Summa and Taipale), the northwestern city of Tali and its port at Viipuri, and finally the northernmost city of Sortevala. The problem is the Mannerheim line: a rigid defensive line of pillboxes and World War One-era forts bisecting the Isthmus.
First, you'll need to understand your forces, which are a mishmash of good and bad units. The conscripts and auxiliary units are awful, and the best (and most historical) use for
them is to charge pillboxes and divert Finnish fire-in effect, these troops are cannon fodder. Also useless are the BT-5 and BT-7 tanks, which seem to be made of papier-mach. If you use them, you'll lose. Upgrade as many as you can to KV 1/39s; they're slower, but have much better defense and attack ratings. You'll want to start with five or six of them. You'll also want to get another engineer unit or two, which you can do by upgrading a Regular unit.
Lay some artillery fire on Terijok, near Leningrad. You have two cruisers and plenty of artillery, so you can weaken it enough for the adjacent conscript unit to take it easily. This clears the road to Summa. You'll need to organize two battle groups (Eastern and Western) based around the KVs. Divvy up the infantry, cavalry, and artillery between the two. The Western group will push towards Summa, then up to Viipuri, while the Eastern will hit Taipale and then make a dash for Sortevala. Any extra units should go with the Western force. Mount the bridging engineer and send him north with the cruisers, and mount the paratroopers and send them as scouts.
Saddle Up!
Move out horse cavalry first to get a feel for the area, then send up conscripts, other infantry, armor, and artillery. There will be a major bottleneck if you don't juggle your units
just right to keep the roads clear. This can paralyze you long enough to cost you the battle. Speed is crucial.
Once you've pushed north a bit on both flanks, both battle groups will instantly run smack into the solid wall of the Mannerheim line. You're only going to pierce this at the two cities, avoiding the center. Use conscripts to draw fire from the pill boxes, then pour artillery on them and start to break down the cities' defenses with stronger infantry and armor. Each city has a 37mm anti-tank piece, which you'll need to clear with artillery and infantry, so your tanks can maneuver in peace. Take out enemy artillery as quickly as possible, and keep your own artillery fire up. It should only take a few turns to liberate both cities. You can use your
paratroopers to either harry units from behind the Mannerheim line, or save them for the attack on Sortevala.
Keep moving up the coast with your cruisers, laying fire on the forts while staying out of range as much as possible. Watch out for the two subs patrolling this area: they're not much, but they can take a bite out of you before they go down. You're going to want to bring these ships into the channel (which will draw shore fire), so you can begin to pound Viipuri.
Finnish Them Off:
Once both cities are liberated, secure the area by using armor to track down the few artillery pieces, then push both battle groups north toward their objectives (Viipuri/Tali and Sortevala), leaving only a small garrison behind. You might want to take the opportunity to pick up some new KVs. Some Finnish infantry will slow you down-and they are, pound for pound, much better than the Russians. They'll put up a tough fight, but don't get bogged down: keep moving. Get your engineers in on the northern side of Viipuri, and lay in for the siege. It will take heavy barrages to loosen these hexes up, so don't commit your infantry and armor too soon. Chip at them for a couple turns, then go in for the kill.
As with any good battle plan, the key is to stick to your objectives. Don't try to crash the whole line, and don't get bogged down in the forests or swamps. Properly weakened with artillery fire and polished off with a tough armored punch, the Finns can be beaten with a major victory in less than ten turns.
Posted by cheat-games at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: A
September 25, 2008
American Conquest
Press [Enter], then type one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the cheat function:
Add 50,000 of all Resources:
Enter money.
American Conquest (spanish version):
Submitted by: Karlos
50000 of all resources:[enter]babki
respect case sensitive.
This cheat replace the "money" cheat of english version.
Remove Fog (DEMO):
Enter supervizor.
Reveal map:
Press enter, type www, then press enter. It lets you see the whole map and you can control your enemy whenever you want.
Posted by cheat-games at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: A
American Conquest - Fight Back
When playing game press enter then insert any of these codes:
Code Result
babki - Get 5000 Resorces
VICTORY - Win Level
viewall - Show all Map
Posted by cheat-games at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: A
September 24, 2008
Beyond The Law - The Third Wave
Start game as usual. During gameplay enter 'initcheat' and return to enable cheats, then enter any of the following cheats followed by return. Note cheats are not case sensitive.
Code Result
INITCHEAT - Enable Cheats
COMPLETE - Complete Mission
FAIL - Fail Mission
NOGUARDS - Remove Guards
GUARDS - Return Guards
FPS - Fps
Posted by cheat-games at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: A
September 23, 2008
Imperialism 2 - Age of Exploration
In general, don't bother trying to win over the New World with money or diplomacy. Instead, be as politically incorrect as possible, and send in the troops to grab as much territory as possible before the other great powers can.
As soon as you develop rifle technology, turn away from producing expensive cannons and instead concentrate on infantry. Ten infantry units can take out a fort as quickly as the cannons, and they're also a lot cheaper to produce.
Be careful when it comes to playing power politics. The aim of the game is to conquer half of Europe, but do not let others benefit from your work. AI players are more than willing to scoop up major powers that you have softened up or cut off from the riches of the New World.
Weaken other empires one after the other until you are ready to make the big play and capture those last few crucial provinces.
Unlimited ammunition:
Press [Up] [Up] [Down] [Down] [Left] [Right] [Left] [Left] [Aim] at the main menu.
Balanced resources:
Hold [Ctrl] and click on the globe at the new game screen, then type Pippin. The red country will begin the game with balanced resources.
Posted by cheat-games at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: I
Chicago 1930
During gameplay press [F11] and enter the Cheat and confirm them by
pressing enter:
Code Result
ghost - become to invinsacle
i am winner - win the campingen
bingo - unlimited amunition
immunity - computer-controlled figures are invulnerable
winner - Level completed successfully
Posted by cheat-games at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: A
September 22, 2008
Imperium Galactica 2
Press first in the menu: LISTENUPEVERYBODY!
Then press one of the folloing cheats:
Code Result
shootem' - all weapons
ghettoblaster - all aircrafts
dienodie - GOD mode
splasher - waterscreen
Easy battle experience for Kra'hen:
Early in the Kra'hen campaign, trader ships come in, but you cannot trade. Just shoot them down. They will stop coming after awhile.
The ig2.exe file can be edited with a hexeditor. Remember to always make a backup before editing.
Just find the name of the object that you want to change their stat (price, time to build, need to researce or not and HP), and edited the number just like you edited a savegame. The object can be a ship, weapon, tank or researce item.
To change a Destroyer stats, search for "destroyer" (without the quote). After you are there, the figure below the fourth letter of the name of the object is the price, you can change it from 204e to 0100 for a price of S1.
The figure below the eighth letter of the name is time to build, change it from 801a06 to 010100 for instant build time.
The figure below the 13th letter of the name is HP for ships. You can change from 0a to ff for 255 HP.
Four lines below the name you will see lots of 05050505..., the first is the code for sol, the third for shin, and the fifth is for kra. 05 means allready found. 01 means need to research first. To have it from beginning, change 01 to 05, for any item you want.
NOTE: dont give the enemy that 05 code, if you do, they will be as powerful as you are!
Also, to use this cheat, you must start a new game (not a savegame).
Posted by cheat-games at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: I
Imperium Galactica 1
Hold [Left Shift], type karoly, and press one of the following Code to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Resultt Code
All colonies and inventions1 - C
100,000 Credits - V
Promotion to Rank1 - 5
Promotion to Rank 2 - 6
Promotion to Rank 3 - 7
Promotion to Rank 4 - 8
Promotion to Rank 5 - 9
1. Press C again to enable cheats on the planets.
Posted by cheat-games at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: I
September 20, 2008
Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire
on tactical screen hold ctrl and type gabbi
Effect Screen Code
Aborts enemies turn Tactical [Alt] + [Enter]
All characters and items are visible Tactical [Alt] + E
Damage character under pointer Tactical [Ctrl] + H
Kill all enemies in current sector Tactical [Alt] + O
Refresh health and energy for all characters Tactical [Ctrl] + U
Reload selected character's gun Tactical [Alt] + R
Restore selected character's AP Tactical [Alt] + D
Teleport selected character to pointer Tactical [Alt] + T
Teleport squad to sector under pointer in travel mode Map [Ctrl] + T
Kill all enemies in sector Map [Alt] + [Auto Resolve]
Additional $100,000 Laptop [Plus]
Decrease money by $10,000 Laptop [Minus]
Merc forces "away" character to join team Laptop [Space] + Left Mouse Button
100 points of damage to all enemies in sector Other [Alt] + O
Character sits in wheelchair Other [Alt] + 4
Character transforms into monster Other [Alt] + 5
Create new character Other [Alt] + G
Create robot Other [Alt] + V
Mustard gas explosion at pointer Other [Alt] + K
Spawn civilian at pointer Other [Alt] + C
Spawn enemy at pointer Other [Alt] + B
Spawn item at pointer Other [Alt] + I
Posted by cheat-games at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: J
Jagged Alliance - Deadly Games
CHARACTER NUMBER #1 = Merc in first slot and so on....
These are the offset values I have found so far:
#1 459 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492
#2 971 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004
#3 1483 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516
#4 1995 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
#5 2507 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540
#6 3019 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052
#7 3531 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564
#8 4043 4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076
Posted by cheat-games at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: J
September 17, 2008
Konung 2 - Blood of Titans
First you should start the game and then save it(if you already
haven't done it of course...) With your favorite HEX Editor open the file
"KONUNG2.SA0" (don't forget to create a backup of the file!).
After that go to the offsets 04b314-04b315-04b316-04b317, then change them
with a hexadecimal value of your choise smaller than FFFF, but close to it
(for example DFFF)then save the file - this will give you a large amount of
free expirience points so you can spend them on your hero's stats and attributes.
Also you can change the amount of money in your hero's inventory by doing the
same operation you did for the expirience pints but now in offsets:
Posted by cheat-games at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: K
Kohan 2 - Kings of War
While playing, press [ENTER] to bring up the console, then type
any of the following cheat codes:
Code Result
victoryismine - Win Mission
wasted - Lose Mission
gimme - Add 100 Gold
knowitall - Unknown Effect
lasik - No fog of war
gimme - 100 Gold
Posted by cheat-games at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: K
September 16, 2008
Kohan - Immortal Sovereigns
Press [ENTER] then type any of the following codes:
Result Code
build all unit - there is no spoon
+10 for all products - hoody hoo
Cataclysm - unpleasant dreams
Fast construction - speed it up
Maximum gold - free gold
Win current mission - yeahbam
Full map - show fog
Toggle grid - show grid
Toggle control zones - show control
Toggle supply zones - show supply
Toggle guard zones - show guard
Toggle population zones - show population
Toggle combat damage - show damage
Toggle blocked tiles - show blocked
Toggle tile numbers - show tilenums
Toggle tile terrain types - show types
Toggle health bars - show health
Toggle detection zones - show detection
Toggle SAI- regions - show sairegions
Toggle SAI- debug - show saidebug
Toggle Fog - show fog
Conjure Cheat (Requires Patch 1.2.0)
conjure [front] [support] [support] x y
The cheat code creates a company with the desired combination of front and support units. This cheat will also allow a player to create the company at a particular location if specified (x y).
conjure skeleton skeleton shadow_priest conjure
cavalier sorceress warlock
32 32
Posted by cheat-games at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: K
Jagged Alliance 2
Free Car:
When you meet a man called Dave in a sector near Balime (I don't remember exactly the number of that sector), he will offer you a car (Hummer) for 10,000$. If you don't want to buy it, just refuse his offer and lead one of your mercs go behind his house, then you will see a car (Hummer). Press Ctrl and click on that car and its yours without any cash. Follow that way you will have 2 car at the same time if you want. Enjoy!!! ;)
If you want unlimited ammo, silencers, laser sights, etc... you first have to make a pile preferably reasonably big. then you put two or more laser sights in the same slot in your inventory. then drop something else onto that slot and drop the clips or laser sights onto the pile.... then you arrange that you can only pick up a fraction of the lasersights that you dropped so that you end up having to drop the rest. if it's a reasonably big pile, it will
fool the game into thinking that you didnät pick anything up, hence making you have an unlimted supply of clips, compound 18, and almost any item including g11 clips you simply remove the one clip from the gun and drop it with the spare clip the you get!!!!
On Tacticscreen press CTRL + IGUANA (write the word IGUANA while pressing CTRL). Cheatmode is now activated (combinations with digits means numpad-keys!):
ALT+E - all units and items are shown
ALT+T - teleports currently selected mercenary to the
cursor position
ALT+O - eliminates all enemies in the current sector
ALT+D - refreshes action points of the current selected
ALT+R - full ammo (reload weapon)
ALT+W - item scrolling, at first select an item in detail
ALT+B - enemy appears at the cursor position
ALT+C - civilist appears at the cursor position
ALT+G - new mercenary appears at the cursor position
ALT+Y - roboter appears at the cursor position
ALT+2 - mercenary becomes bug
ALT+4 - mercenary sits in an wheel-chair
ALT+5 - mercenary becomes big bug
ALT+I - a randomly generated weapon appears at the cursor position
ALT+K - gas grenade explodes at the cursor position
ALT+Q - show the inside of all buildings (the roofs disappears)
ALT+1 - mercenary becomes a tank (not useable)
CTRL+T - all mercenaries in the current sector becomes
arrested by bad queen
CTRL+H - the mercenary loses health points (cursor must be just
at mercenary's position)
CTRL+U - heals the mercenary (cursor must be just at mercenary's
CTRL+O - an enemy bug appears
CTRL+K - an hand grenade explodes at the cursor position
CTRL+F - should show framerate, but doesn't seem to work
Cheats in Laptop view:
+ - +100.000 $ (not Numpad-Plus!)
- - -10.000 $ (not Numpad-Minus!)
Map screen-Cheats CTRL+T teleports troop to any selected sector. You have to be in route planning mode, so you can see the route. In the moment you activate the cheat the troop has arrived the sector.
ALT+left Mouse click on the GO TO SECTOR-Icon: all enemies b ecomes eliminated.
You start in an already cleaned sector.
Jagged Alliance 2
Disclaimer: This article is going to be part Hot Hints, part Dirty Tricks...
With this cheat you can change any object into any other object that you happen to have around. If, for example, you wanted to get another grenade, you would have to get to where you can buy and sell stuff. (In the demo this would be at Jakes Junkyard) Click on the grenade and then
click on something you don't mind losing (e,g, a .45 clip). Click on the .45 clip again (your mouse cursor should become a .45 clip) and then click where the grenade was. The .45 clip becomes a grenade. Put the grenade in an empty spot and then take the first grenade down from the selling list.
You should now have two grenades and minus one .45 clips. It does not have to be a .45 clip or grenade. It should work for anything.
I don't know how this would work in the complete version.
Here's another one:
Irritated with having to haggle with useless civ's? Want a better way? Any time you meet anyone who will sell you something (in the demo, that would be Jake), just execute them. That way, you get all their items for free, and any weapons they might have on their person. Just make sure you get them in one blast though, because many civ's (especially Jake) don't take to kindly to
being mugged.
Your first priority is to establish a financial base-seize the first mine at Drassen as soon as possible. To this end, it is worth your money to blow $10,000 to $15,000 on a top-of-the-line mercenary on a one-day contract. Choose someone with a long-range rifle and excellent marksmanship. Remember, you get to keep his equipment at the end of the day.
Don't forget-to get a mine to produce money for you, you must find the mine foreman and make him happy. Seizing the town the mine is in is not enough.
Do not seek out combat with government patrols until you have stocked up on long-range weapons. Also, any group of more than four or five enemy soldiers will split up and flank your position, so prepare your own ambush.
Ok, hello, I know Ja2 is quite an old game but if you like some long-time fun you can just buy the game (if you can find it) an PLAY. First of all, there is a cheat with CRTL + Iguana... ahh what it doesn't work. NOOOO I am dooomed. this game sux! No it doesn't.
I have a friend I. Alex, HE IS THE SUPREME MASTER OF JA2 AND ALPHA CENTAURI... but that's not the point. First of all you should play the game in NOVICE. Hire these mercs from A.I.M. BUZZ, STEROID and HITMAN. Then go to I.M.P type the password xep624 and make a charecter Marksmanship 85 Agility, Medical Health BIG you don't need Mechanical or Explosive... Oh i forgot at the presonality questions answer the question that have a connection with marksmanship.
Begin! Kill the enemy forcer from OMERTA(first sector) and then find a woman named Fatima with a kid named Pacos. Your first hired merc will have a letter from Enrico. give it to Fatima and folow her to a hideout. Before leaving the first sector search for a crowbar and give it to Steroid, THEN leave the sector. When the hideout loading image is on your screen look at the lower right corner you will see a grey name Joker... Blah, blah blah talk with the rebels an hire Ira! Then go to Drassen free al the sectors and kill the guy named DeSantos (for money and beer) (and fun!). Talk with a priest (Father Walker). Talk with the headminer and he will give the mine to you. Train some militia! Then go back to the rebel hideout and hire Dimitri. Now you can finish the game!.
Mine order: Drassen, Chitzeena, Cambria, Alma, Grumm.
Thanks to Dima M. A. (ME) I. Alex and G. Alex.
Sorry if i had some grammar mistakes I am not from an English speaking country!
I am from a very nice country ROMANIA. Visit!
Hi, there is me again. The guy with the Ja2 intro. Well have you captured Drassen? If you did, now hire some militia, (take Buzz, and the dude from I.M.P.[hope it has some good leadership] and go the the map screen and put them in Trainin/Millitia [from the 2nd column, I think...]) now wait until all sectors are full of blue millitia. Now put them (Buzz and I.M.P. dude) in squad 2. Now go to San Mona. This town has a min but is ruled by an idiot called King Pin. DO NOT TRY TO KILL HIM!!! Talk to a guy named Angel (in day time around 10AM). He will tell you about his sister that is held up by King Pin in a local named Shady Lady in the next sector. Go there. Talk to Ma'am Layla and take 2 mercs and give to Layla 400$ she will let you go inside the place. BUT WATCH OUT!
There is an asshole with a gun he will enter in a room take one of the mercs, and after he enters block the door (just stand in front of the entrance!!!!). Now take the other merc and in a left room there is a key. Take it, and go to a room, talk to Maria and take her to Angel... See ya next time...
Read Some 1's story too. Visit ROMANIA. Is good!
Posted by cheat-games at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: J
101 - Airborn Invasion of Normandy
Type in the following codes during gameplay:
Code Result
AirNormandy - soldiers re-jump into normandy.
AngryManDinners - soldiers are given food.
Beef - all the cows on the map are killed.
Heknows - turns off Iknow.
Helllive - all the germans on the map are killed.
Hohoho - Gives your GI a brand new MG42 plus two ammo belts.
Ihaveyounow - all the germans on the map are surrendered.
Iknow - displays all germans, equipment bags, and insides
of buildings.
PrisonPod - No parachutes
TraitorTraitor - current soldier surrenders.
PrisonPod - removes all parachutes.
Robocop3 - makes your soldier go berzek.
Weasel - all soldiers on the map are made available.
YouGoSquishNow - all the germans on the map are killed.
Posted by cheat-games at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0-9
September 15, 2008
12 O'Clock High - Bombing the Reich
As the Allies, you should watch from which airfields enemy interceptors are launching, then bomb and fighter-sweep those fields the next day to pound the enemy fighters on the ground.
As the Axis, do not overcommit to the first raid that you pick up, because it can often be a feint. Plot your intercepts to harass a bomber stream over the length of its route, instead of doing one large cluster attack, which leaves you without any follow-up ability for quite some time.
As far as fighter combat goes, escorts should always have at least one group flying high cover at 3,000 to 5,000 feet above the main group, and interceptors should be set to take this high cover into account.
Posted by cheat-games at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0-9
September 14, 2008
147 Snooker
while your opponent computer is playing go on pressing Alt+F4 it will become a foul and a miss.
NOTE:dont press while u are playing it will quit.
when ur playing the game just press the close button, this wont close the game but it will stop the cue ball when u press the close button thus stopping ur opponent to score.
Posted by cheat-games at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0-9
September 13, 2008
1503 A.D.
Easy money:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor
to edit the "bgruppen.dat" file in the "\1503 ad\data" folder. Look for the following entries in the file, about one fifth of the way down.
Preis: 900
PreisLevel: 0,5,10
Change the price ("preis"), as already done, to "900" and your people will pay it. Obviously, other prices can be changed
("Salz" is salt, etc.), but be careful. Do not mark up something that you plan on importing.
Posted by cheat-games at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0-9
September 12, 2008
1602 A.D.
To put army men on to your ships, you need to select them and hold your finger down on the (Ctrl) key then select a ship. But remember keep your finger on the (Ctrl) until they are on.
Hold [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Alt] + W during game play. A prompt will appear at the bottom left corner of the screen. Type 2061 and press [Enter] at the prompt. Then, press A then press [Enter] to enable cheat mode.
Code Result
Shift + M - Money
Shift + Z - Bricks
Shift + K - Cannon
Shift + H - Wood
Shift + T - Tools
gold - Gold
fastgame - All Building
First enable the cheat mode:
Then type in Ctrl + Alt + Shift + W again and then type in a number from 02 to 24. Then press Enter and A. Each time you press A, you will get 5 tons of the number. If you want another item, just type in another number and press enter and A.
Code Result
02 Iron-ore
03 Gold
04 Wool
05 Sugar Cane
06 Tobacco
07 Cows
08 Corn
09 Flour
10 Iron
11 Swords
12 Guns
13 Cannons
14 Food
15 Cigars
16 Spices
17 Cocoa
18 Alcohol
19 Fabric
20 Clothing
21 Jewelry
22 Tools
23 Wood
24 Bricks
All campaigns:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor
to edit the "game.dat" file in the game directory. Locate the line "Volume: -750, 0, -5??" and change it to "Volume: -750, 0, -581". Note: The "750" value may vary from game to game.
Enter Columbus and give yourself a yellow flag for $10,000. Information in this section was contributed by ckaiser1.
Free items:
When you buy something and your income is red or low, save the game. Load it again and you will have your money back.
Free traders will bring you tools, which are necessary for early growth, so set your warehouse to buy tools when the
game starts.
You can save valuable farmland by relying almost entirely on fishing huts to feed your people; build lots of them and
make sure you can spare the carts to transport building materials.
You can crank your tax rate up to the maximum as long as you keep your citizens supplied with the luxuries they want.
To put army men on to your ships, you need to select them and hold your finger down on the (Ctrl) key then select a ship. But remember keep your finger on the (Ctrl) until they are on.
Posted by cheat-games at 6:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0-9
September 11, 2008
1701 A.D.
Cheat mode (European version):
Rename your warehouse to one of the following case-sensitive names to activate the cheat function.
Result Code
BonanzaCreek - 100,000 gold
Linlithgow - Warehouse filled with tools
SiliconValley - All (current) research completed when you build the correct building
ParadiseCity - Warehouse filled with all custom goods your people need to stay happy
MariaDelTule - Plant trees and other plants using the pipette
Posted by cheat-games at 6:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0-9
September 10, 2008
18 Wheels of Steel - Across America
Update by: Danial
Submitted by: conner54
In your "My Documents" folder, open your 18 Wheels of Steel folder. Use Notepad to open the config file. Change the line:
uset g_console "0" to uset g_console "1"
While playing, press [~] (tilde) to bring up the console, then type any of the following codes:
cheat money
cheat dealers
cheat drivers
cheat stars
NOTE: To open the console, you need to download patch 1.10.
Submitted by: Nico
E-mail: ncoertzen@tiscali.co.za
1. First u must start a new game and the city must be New York
2. Then u must color ur truck blue
3. Then ride to the New York Truck Dealer
4. Then when u go to Buy Truck there would be the 2 best trucks in the game
Another way to get more money [all ver.]:
This method is base on editing files, so make sure to BACKUP "base.scs"
Note: This file is about 135mb. In that case, it will little bit slow while you editing this file. So be patience
To edit this file we have to use "windows® xp built in compression utility"
If you have installed "winzip" ,"winrar" or other compression utility
Then unassociated zip file
Winzip: goto options >> configuration >> system and click on the "associations" button and uncheck ".zip"
winrar: goto options >> settings >> integration and uncheck the box next to "zip"
[This because the version of the WinZip, winrar, you may try with earlier ver. Of the WinZip and winrar
Let's begin:
1.Rename file "base.scs" to "base.zip"
2.double click to open the file
3.go in to "defs" folder
4.In this folder, you will find folder named "scenarios" and drag this folder to yours desktop.
5.then delete the "scenarios" folder in "base.zip"
6.go to "scenarios" on the desktop and open "free_mode.def" with notepad
7.change ' money:"1000" to money:"1000000000" '
8.save the file and copy "scenarios" folder
9.return to "defs" folder in the "base.zip" and paste
10.rename "base.zip" to "base.scs"
11.when you start new game in free mode you will have $1000000000
Note: you can also edit other files in the "scenarios" folder and can change "truck:xxxxxx" with "mch613, kw900, mch603, fcl, flcc, kt2000, kk100, p351, p362, vvn, ws, fln"
Posted by cheat-games at 6:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0-9
September 09, 2008
18 Wheels of Steel - Convoy
While playing, press [`] or tilde to activate the console, then type any of the following cheat codes.
Code Result
cheat money - $5,000,000
cheat points - 100 Points
cheat all - 5 Million and 100 Points
cheat quest # - Access Quest # (0-31)
if you break your truck go to the truckdealer and change the truck then take the truck you have before it will be repaired for free. Note if you do this all your truck improvements will be gone.
Posted by cheat-games at 6:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0-9
September 08, 2008
18 Wheels of Steel - Haulin
Who needs always the police or a yawning driver? But money - that's something we all need!
Here's how I did it.
1. Open the "My Documents\18WoS Haulin" Folder and make safety copy from the "config.cfg" file into a new folder (you name one).
2. Then open the original file with the "Notepad" (my favorite editor). You'll find the "Notepad"-file on Local Disk(C:)\Windows. I have a shortcut on my Task-bar, because it almost opens every file. Just click and hold the "config.cfg" file and pull it over the notepad-icon, then release the mouse button.
3. In the "config"-file look for [uset g_police "1"] and change it to [uset g_police "0"]. Now - the police car is gone, no more fines and very important, no cars on the emergency lane (later more why).
4. Now look for [uset g_fatigue "1"] and change it to [uset g_fatigue "0"]. You got now the perfect driver, he can stay up for days or weeks and keeps driving. No more yawning, which by the way made me sleepy too (crashed lots of trucks).
5. Click save and close the file. Start a game, shortly after starting the game save, close and exit the game.
6. Now go to "My Documents\save" and open the folder #1. If you already saved some games, than go to the last and highest number and open the folder.
7. Hoover the cursor over the "game.sii" file and make sure that the "date modified xx/xx/xxxx" is the date you saved the last game. Than open the file the same way like the first file (with Notepad).
8. Now scroll down, pass "companies", "vehicle pounds", "stored_XXX" and "police_offences_meter". You'll find money_account:XXXXXXX. Change the XXXXX amount to the amount you need or want.
9. Click save and close the file again.
Now you're ready to load and play your game. Here some other tips:
It's sometimes hard to stay in the lane without hitting the cars and trucks which pass you, if you use the keyboard to steer. Turn on your flashers (F) and nobody will pass you again. It's helpful too if you drive thru a city. If the highway is to full pass everybody on the emergency lane (no cop car there any more), as soon as you pass a vehicle it will slow down and fall back.
Cheat mode:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" or "controls.def" file in the "\my documents\18 wos haulin\" folder. Change the values of the following lines:
uset g_console "0"
uset g_developer "0"
uset g_console "1"
uset g_developer "1"
Then, press ~ during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes or key to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Press ~ again to close the console window.
Code Effect
cheat company - List game companies
cheat company <0-23> - List branch offices for specified company
cheat company <0-23>
cheat driver - Add one random driver to your company
cheat rating - List of game companies
cheat rating <0-23> - Company rating increased
cheat test_cargo - Unknown
cheat money - Add $500,000
edit - Map/world editor
exit - Return to main menu
quit - Quit
sys_info - Display operating system information
[Tab] - Display console commands
Unlimited money:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Select a saved game directory in the "\my documents\18 wos haulin\" folder. Use a text editor to edit the "game sii". Scroll down to find the "money_account:" line, followed by the amount of money you have in the game from your last save point. You can edit this to
any value desired to have that much money in your bank account.
while playing 18 weels of steel haulin save the game if there is a cop in front of you then load the game again make sure the siren of the police is not ringing.
Posted by cheat-games at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0-9
September 07, 2008
18 Wheels of Steel - Pedal to the Metal
what i do is:
Edit the CONFIG.CFG file in the My Documents\18 WoS pedal to the metal
2. Open the CONFIG.CFG file.
(you may have a dialog box that asks what to open the file with, uses note pad).
3. In the CONFIG file,
look for the line "uset g_console" and change the 0 to a 1.
Note: Always create a backup when editing game files.
This enables the game console.
To enter cheats: Start your game. Click on the tilde key (~).
The console will open. Type the word cheat (a space)
and the cheat you would like to use. If you want to enter all, press the Enter key after each cheat has been entered.
Press the tilde key (~) to exit the console.
money -for $100,000
dealers - for all truck dealers
drivers -for all free drivers
stars -for all stars
Note: you need to install the patch 1.03 to have access to these cheat codes.
go to my documents and open the folder and open config file using notepad and search a line by name CONSOLE (0) change 0 to "a 1" and while playing the game
press tidle(~) and type the following cheats:
money -- cheat money
all free drivers -- cheat drivers
all star level -- cheat star
all dealer unlock-- cheat dealers
Posted by cheat-games at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0-9
September 06, 2008
1838 - Railrods and Robber Barons
Type "KNEELBEFOREME" at any time during the game. If done correctly a sound will confirm it. Now press F11 and enter any of the following codes. Then press F11 again to activate the code.
Code Effect
-g Lots of Gold
-0103 For a man or woman
-0110 For a cow
-c Duplicate last object created
-Ctrl-F6 Remove fog of war
Posted by cheat-games at 6:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0-9
September 05, 2008
1937 Spirit of Speed
During gameplay, press:
Code Result
losis - high Speed
drandolets - all Cars
pienacura - all Maps
stulbenis - win Race
Posted by cheat-games at 6:30 PM 0 comments
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September 04, 2008
1942 - Pacific Air War
write RASTA to activate de cheats mode in the game.
Press ALT+F1 to get into virtual pilot mode.
When you lock on a bandit hit J to enter padlock mode.
Wherever the bandit goes your view will track him.
Posted by cheat-games at 6:30 PM 0 comments
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September 03, 2008
2067 B.C.
1 n/a
Posted by cheat-games at 6:31 PM 0 comments
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September 02, 2008
21st Brigade
Type during gameplay:
Code Result
amazon No Trees
avatar Yellow Boxes Around Vehicles, Buildings
london No Clouds
hasselhoff Instant Loss
ispy No Fog of War
polytheism Invincibility for Everyone
killenemy Kill All Enemies
grid Display Grid
chessmatch 100% Radar
commanders Disables Commanders Effects
stratperspective Changes View
novictory Disables Victory Results
hurt Hurts First Vehicle in Present Platoon
chillout Locks Vehicle in Place
seattle Disables Horizon
gameoverman Instant Win
Posted by cheat-games at 6:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: 0-9
September 01, 2008
25 To Life
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Find the "easy.var" file in the "\25 to life\data\var" folder. Uncheck the read-only attribute of the file then use a text editor to open it. Find the "AI2PlayerDamage 0.14" line and chane the "0.14" to "0.00". You will now get no damage when the game is played under the easy difficulty setting.
Level 1 "Warehouse" bonuses:
Get to your car: Freeze's Starting Outfit. Take two Human Shields: 25 To Life Decals. Defeat 20 enemies: Flaming Beanie.
Level 2 "Apartment" bonuses:
Return to you car: Rick Ta Life outfit. Cover up 4 tags: Black Bandanna. Defeat 25 enemies: Barbed Wire Hat.
Level 3 "Downtown" bonuses:
Escape to your getaway car: Bank Robbing Outfit. Break into ATMs (shoot them): Gold Earrings. Complete level without dying: White Sweatband. Defet 25 Enemies: Westside Knife Tat.
Level 4 "Culdesac" bonuses:
Get the evidence to Mendoza's car: Officer Williams. Keep your partner alive: Tactical Vest. Apprehend 5 felons: Kneepads (Take out the Zapper, stun them, go up to them and arrest them). Achieve 20% Accuracy: Holster.
Level 5 "Club" bonuses:
Get to the subway: DJ Envy Outfit. Apprehend 4 drug dealers: ATF Decals (dealers are the white people with green jerseys).
Achieve 25% Accuracy: Big Mustache. Register 8 Head Shots: Riot Helmet.
Level 6 "Subway" bonuses:
Trap Shaun in subway train: Shaun's Getaway Outfit. Free a cop: Full Tac Harness. Achieve 30% Accuracy: Big Dawg Tat. Defeat 24 enemies: Sideburns.
Level 7 "Tijuana" bonuses:
Find Riggs at the club: Shaun's TJ Outfit. Tag over 4 gang tags: Mexican Flag Bandanna. Defeat 60 enemies: Clock Cap Decal.
Level 8 "Casino" bonuses:
Escape with loot: Federates Outfit. Rob five cash carts: Triple Bracelets. Defeat 45 enemies: Oozie Chest Tat. Register 12 headshots: Scorpion Black Tat.
Level 9 "Penthouse" bonuses:
Register 16 headshots: Chest Flame Tat. Defeat 32 enemies: Camo Pants.
Level 10 "Prison"bonuses:
Finish level: Freeze's Prison Outfit. Protect Lazarus: Chinese Pain Tat. Defeat 30 enemies: No Parole Decal.
Level 11 "Mall" bonuses:
Finish level: Freeze's Mall Outfit. Break into 5 ATMs: Black Gloves. Complete level without dying: Red Hightops.
Level 12 "Hacienda" bonuses:
Kill Shaun: Daz and Tech N9ne. Defeat 30 Enemies: G Cap Decal.
Find 5 secret stashes: Bulldog Chain (in the Waterpool Courtyard there are two stashes in the vases. In front of the house on the right side in the yard is a stash in a vase. On the deck before entering is a vase with a stash. Before you fight Shaun there is a Vase with a stash in front on the spiral staircase).
Beatdown bonus level:
Successfully complete all twelve levels. The bonus level is just fifteen waves, and there is no reward.
Apartment: Hidden rifle:
On level 2, "Apartment", when you go past your first tagging location, kill all policemen. There should be an apartment on the bottom floor, in the northern wing on the right. It is apartment number 15. Open the door and find the room behind the curtain. On the table in the corner is a high powered rifle for the taking.
Tijuana: Defeating heavily armed enemies:
On the Tijuana mission where you get the sniper rifle and the man says, "Now the Federales are after me!", you are confronted by a group of men with rifles. They will be on the rooftop directly across the courtyard from where you are standing. The following is an easy way to dispatch them. Step to back into the corner and look just above the shack with the red roof. You can just barely see the head of each sniper, but they cannot see you. Take them out one by one until there are none remaining. You will save a lot of ammo by doing this. Then, go through the courtyard and around the corner. You are now rushed by several enemies. Duck behind the rear of the police car and snipe the men in the head as they come around the corner. You will save even more ammunition by doing this. Around the next corner there are several more lambs to the slaughter. Duck behind cover before you go any further. Make some noise so that they will come around the corner exposing themselves. Snipe their heads. Note: One of them has a rocket launcher; take him out first if you get rushed.
Posted by cheat-games at 6:32 PM 0 comments
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